
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Offpage Optimaization On Seo

Off page optimaization is a very important about SEO.
Social Engagement Building: This is an affective way to build online reputation. Select the most popular social networks like; Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Reddit and StumbleUpon and create a profile. By doing this you can extend your network online, connect with your friends, share other websites and blogs with each other, promote your website or blog and build an online reputation. It’s important not to share the same website or blog all the time as this will make others think you’re a spammer.
In the past, many social networks would pass a vote for your website also

known as a back link or incoming link. This is a popular way to increase your websites Google Toolbar Rank. Unfortunately many of these social networks now have the no-follow attribute because of the ongoing spam within these networks.
Social engagement is important as a reputation model and shouldn’t be considered as an easy way to build incoming links from external sites.
Blog Commenting: This is the most effective link building method. You can promote your blog/website by posting comments in other service-related blogs which allow links in the comments section that are crawlable by the search engines (these blogs are commonly identified as Do-Follow Blogs).
Directory Submission: This is still a great method to use for link building, but you need to be careful on what directories you submit to. If you submit to a directory that is red flagged by Google, you are putting your website in danger of being blacklisted. It’s important to perform manual directory submissions and never sign up with an automated directory submit bot. It’s important to choose the right category for each directory you choose to submit to. You should also submit your website or blog to the top directories like DMOZ, Yahoo Directory, ZoomInfo, etc.
Forum Postings: This is another great way to build back links. You need to be an active member of the forum related to your blog or website. You can post/reply to a thread in other service-related forums that allow links in your signature which can be crawled by the search engines (Sign up on forums that are “Do-Follow Forums”). This is very time consuming and requires commitment.
Photo Sharing: Publish/share your website product pictures and make them public. Let your friends see them and comment on them too, which will help drive traffic towards your website. The most popular photo sharing websites are Flickr, Picasa, Photo Bucket, etc.
Video Promotions: Like with photo sharing, you can publish/share your product videos, expert opinions, and reviews of your product and make them public in YouTube, Metacafe, etc. This is an effective way to drive traffic to your websites.
Article Submission: Write articles about our services and promotions and submit them to popular article sites like Ezine, Go Articles, Now Public, Buzzle, etc. This will help attain some deep links to your website or blog.
Search Engine Submission: Submit your website or blog to the most popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, Alexa, Lycos, Excite, etc. In most cases this is not that important because Google and Yahoo will already have many of your pages indexed already.
Classifieds Submission: Submitting to classified ads is a great way to advertise your products and services. The method that works best is reverse marketing. This is when you reply to a person who is looking for your products or services. Many classified submissions are free. The most popular is Craigslist.
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